NCRD by Law

Official Gazette

We, Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, According to Article (31) of the constitution, and based upon what the Council of Ministries decided on 2/11/2010, we order to implement the following By-law:

By-law No. (72) of 2010

By–law of the National Center for Research and Development issued in accordance with articles (7) and (11) of the Higher Council for science and Technology Law No. (30) of 1987.

Article -1

This By-law shall be called (the National Center for Research and Development By- law of the year 2010) and shall be put into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article -2

The following words, wherever mentioned under this By-law shall have meanings assigned to them hereunder unless the context provides otherwise:

The Law: The Higher Council for Science and Technology law.
Higher Council: The Higher Council for Science and Technology.
Center: The National Center for Research and Development established according to article (7) of the Law.
Board of Directors: Board of Directors of the Center.
Chairman: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center.
President: The President of the Center

Article -3

A. The National Center for Research and Development enjoys legal personality and financial and administrative independence.
B. The Headquarters of the Center is in Amman, and it may create branches throughout the Kingdom by a decision from the Higher Council and the endorsement of the Council.

Article -4

The Center aims at the development of scientific capabilities in the field of Nano-technology, Energy, Bio-technology and the Jordanian Badia Research and any other research activities.
In fulfillment of the aims stated above, the Center shall exercise the following:

A. Identify and coordinate the national activities and capabilities, and develop research topics in educational institutions, scientific centers and the establishment of information database for this purpose.
B. Support applied scientific research; promote invention and innovation in the Center's fields of work.
C. Encourage the establishment of productive companies, based upon research and development outputs which the center performs.
D. To hold and participate in workshops, conferences and specialized training courses in the research and development fields inside and outside the Kingdom.
E. Development of human resources in the field of research and development and, cooperation with experts, scientists, centers, establishments, commissions and relevant domestic, regional and international organizations.
F. Establish research networks between Jordanian researchers and their counterparts outside Jordan in fields that fall within the scope of work of the Center.

Article -5

A. The Center shall have a Board of Directors under the Chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Higher Council with the membership of the President and seven individuals appointed by the President of Higher Council with scientific and practical experience and competency, from public and private sector establishments, for a term of three years that can be extended for a similar period for one time only. Any member can be dismissed in the same manner by appointing a replacement member for the remaining duration of membership of the dismissed member.
B. The Board of Directors shall appoint, in its first session, one of its members to be the deputy to the President who takes the Chairman’s place when the later is absent.

Article -6

The Board of Directors shall exercise the following powers and responsibilities:

A. Formulating the general policy of the Center and approves the required plans and programs for the implementation of the policy.
B. Approving the organizational structure and job description of the Center.
C. Approving contracts and agreements with any party including contracts relevant to providing financial support to companies that work in the center's fields of work.
D. Supporting research infrastructure which is conducted by programs belonging to the Center and in accordance with the instruction of Higher Council.
E. Securing financial resources for the center and regulate its investments and their best use.
F. Reviewing of annual reports, and financial statements of the Center, and submit them to the Higher Council for approval.
G. Approving the annual budget for the center and submit it to the Higher Council for approval.
H. Any other issues relevant to the center's objectives which are mandated by the Higher Council.

Article -7

A. The council meets at least once a year upon the invitation of the Chairman or his deputy when the former is absent or whenever it is deemed necessary. The presence of the majority of the members including the Chairman or his Deputy shall constitute a quorum. Resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be passed by the majority of the council members.
B. The President of the Higher Council can invite any person with expertise and specialization to attend the Board of Director’s meetings to benefit from his/her opinion with no right to vote.

Article -8

A. The President is appointed by a decree from the president of the Higher Council. His salary and other financial benefits shall be set by the appointment decree. His/her service is terminated in the same manner.
B. The President shall exercise the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Following up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors.
  • Representing the Center.
  • Managing the administrative and financial matters of the Center.
  • Entering into contracts and agreements that were approved by Board of Directors and designated to sign on behalf of the Center.
  • Preparing the annual budget, human resource needs, annual reports and presenting them to the Board of Directors with the final financial statement for approval.
  • Establishing technical and advisory committees to aid the Center in achieving its goals.
  • Any other tasks assigned to him by the Higher Council or by the Board of Directors.

C. The President can delegate any of his authorities as determined by this By-law to any of the Center's employees provided that this delegation is specific and in writing .

Article -9

A. The financial resources of the Center shall be derived from:

  • Annual sums allocated in the annual budget of the Higher Council,
  • Fees for services rendered by the Center,
  • Return on its fixed and unfixed assets,
  • Grants, donations and any other sources or allocations subject to the approval of the Council of Ministers if it came from non-Jordanian source.

B. The Fiscal year of the Center starts on the first day of January of each year, and expires on the thirty first of December of the same year.
C. Financial auditing of the Center shall be conducted by a certified accountant appointed and his pay set by the Higher Council. The president shall submit the auditor's report to the Board of Directors to be submitted to the Higher Council.

Article -10

The Center shall have its own administrative and technical staff comprising the center’s employees who shall be appointed, their salaries determined, and their employment ended based on the rules and regulations of the Higher Council and its affiliated centers.

Article -11

A. The following By-laws shall be repealed:

  • By-law of the National Energy Research Center No. (23) for the year 1998.
  • By-law of the National Center for Bio Technology No. (67) for the year 2005.
  • By-law of the Jordanian Badia Research and Development Center No. (35) for the year 2006.
  • By-law of the Regional Center for Human Security No. (23) for the year 2006.
  • By-law of the Jordan Center for Public Policies Research and Dialogue No. (24) for the year 2010.

B. The Center is considered to be the legal and actual successor of all centers mentioned in item (A) of this article; All rights, liabilities, current and fixed assets of any of these repealed centers are transferred to the ownership of the Center.

Article -12

The Higher Council shall issue the necessary instructions to implement the provisions of this By-law including instruction to grant remunerations to the members of the technical and advisory committees who are not employees of the Center, and those who are non- members and attend the Council meeting 2/11/2010.
