- Develop research capabilities in Jordan and create networks with researchers abroad.
- Connect research results with other science, technology and innovation efforts and translate the research results into productive activities or businesses.
- Participate in solving problems at the national level related to infrastructure, natural resources, and business and production requirements.
In order to achieve the above objectives, NCRD performs the following activities:
- Identification of local capabilities and efforts in areas of research, available at higher education institutions and research centers in Jordan, and coordination among them.
- Establishment of new programs in research fields related to priorities in science, technology and innovation policy in Jordan.
- Support for applied research, and encouraging innovation and invention in the fields of work of the center.
- Encouraging the establishment of commercially viable companies based on research output.
- Convening and participating in conferences, seminars, and workshops in the fields of research of the center.
- Human resource development of research personnel and in doing so, cooperation with local, regional and international experts and organizations.
- Building research networks among Jordanian researchers and their counterparts abroad.
- Encouraging the establishment of research posts in universities and establishing a national network that utilizes sabbatical leaves and cooperative research work.